Welcome to ZZM!
We at Zig Zac Mania love to have fresh voices and talents, so we would love to have a contribution from you. Here is some important stuff that you would like to know:
- We pay Rs. 300 Rs/article.
- The article you contribute to us shouldn’t have been copied anywhere else from the net and the same applies to the images as well. You are not supposed to copy even a SINGLE line from the net or any other copyrighted source (Even if it is from your own blog).
- We would be holding the copyright of the article and the images that you sell to us so you are bound not to reproduce or re-sell the article in any form either online or offline. Please do not send us copied articles from the net. Also, we would terminate this contract if you are writing same content for a competitor blog. If you are writing for more than one blog, make sure topic written for us is not be given to any other blog. If you are already a makeup, beauty or fashion blogger we recommend that you write guest post for us.
- Please ensure that the topics are not common with the ones already been written on the website. Use the search option on the top right hand side of the blog to determine if a topic/review has already been covered.
- Each article should have at least 500 words and at least 6 to 8 images.
- Blurry pictures will not be accepted.
- Article should be free from grammatical errors.
- Send your article in a word document. Attach the images separately in the mail and don’t put it in the word document itself.
If you want to write about beauty & fashion then drop an e-mail at zigzacmaniablog@gmail.com
KK Singh Sengar says
I can see that you have taken a nice step to let the people put their views forward. Your site will receive lot of post, I believe, seeing your tips and kind of suggestions.
silja pillai says
Wow awesome giveaway dear. keep it up. I shared about it in my twitter & facebook