Hi Everyone!
If a woman is planning to become pregnant, then she should keep track that when she is ovulating. Ovulation is that duration/days of month when a women is fertile & there are high chances of her being pregnant. The easiest way to keep track of ovulation is with the help of ovulation kit. In this post you will learn how to use a ovulation kit but before that a bit information on ovulation 🙂
Ovulation is the release of an egg from one of a woman’s ovaries (may be left or may be right ovary). After the egg is released, it travels down to the Fallopian tube, where the fertilization by a sperm may take place. Typically ovulation lasts 24 hours and occurs in the middle of a woman’s menstrual cycle, about two weeks before she expects to get her period. But the timing of the process varies for each woman, and it may even vary from month to month. Scenario can be very different for a woman with irregular period. For more clarity consult gynecologist.
There is a lot about ovulation, but here I am sharing only basic knowledge so that you can get idea about the whole thing.
How to take test:
Step 01: Take a single piece of an ovulation test kit.
Step 02: Add 3 to 5 drops of urine in the round window of the test kit.
Step 03: Wait for 3 to 5 minutes.
Step 04: The results will be generated after 5 minutes.
Step 05: In the test kit display, if the line T is lighter than the Line C (or) line T is not displayed, then the result is negative.
Step 06: If the line T is darker than the line C, then the result is positive.
Positive Result – The test line (T) has to be as dark as or darker than the Control line (C).
Negative Result – The Test line (T) is lighter than the Control line (C) or not visible at all.
Invalid Result – No line appears in the Control (C) window even if a line appears in the Test (T) window.
You should take test 4-5 times to show results. If the test shows positive result, then you should have try for the baby (intercourse) during the 48 hours after the test.
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