As new parents it is always a huge challenge to parent a cranky baby. Some learned people near us will refer the baby as colicky to increase our anxiety. We start finding ways to cure the baby of this problem without even understanding the problem. In this blog, friends I will be explaining all the whereabouts of this problem our baby face.
The term colicky applies to any healthy, well-fed infant who cries more than 3 hours a day, more than 3 days a week, for more than 3 weeks.
Here are some known facts about it:
- Colic most probably starts around the age 2 weeks if the infant is full-term (or later if premature).
- It mostly goes away as the child ages by 3 or 4 months.
- Factors like baby’s sex, birth order, and whether he/she is breast- or bottle-feed, don’t affect it.
- Colic babies are similar to the one who don’t have it by any neurological or physiological means.
What could be the causes of Colic:
Though there is no clear theory or reason found yet, but doctors feel it could be a many reason associated with it. Some of them are mentioned below:
- A developing digestive system with muscles that often spasm
- Gas
- Hormones which cause stomach pain
- Oversensitivity or overstimulation by light, noise, etc.
- A still-developing nervous system
Though these can any of the symptoms mentioning Colic but it is always advisable to get your baby screened for below mentioned points before coming to the conclusion that your baby is Colic:
- A Gastric infection
- Acid reflux or stomach problems
- Pressure Disorders of the brain and nervous system
- Eye trouble
- Irregular heartbeat
- Injury or trauma to internal organs or bones, muscles, or fingers
Once you are sure that your baby is Colic, you need to help him reduce his pain. Though modern medicine doesn’t provide any specific medicine than identifying the precursors for same.
Some of them are:
- Is milk breast feed or Formula based?
- Help him swallow less air
- Soothe the baby with a motion or sound like sound and motion of a cloth dryer (it doesn’t mean you need to make the baby sit on it).
- Calm his heightened senses like laying him in a dark room and tapping him with your hands.
But I feel that Ayurvedic remedies work much better for this case.
Being an Indian, Ayurveda is our culture and it is deep rooted in our holistic way of living. Mother Sparsh is an Indian brand and has developed baby care products with our own ancient science, Ayurveda.

In the need of baby’s colic problem, Mother Sparsh 100% ayurvedic Tummy Roll On is made up from the combination of different natural oils such as hing oil and saunf oil to treat colic and indigestion in babies.

The combination of 5 Oils provides relief from stomach discomforts caused due to gas, acidity and indigestion in infants and children.
- Hing Oil has antiseptic and antibacterial properties which help to reduce acid reflux and constipation. Its benefit for colic is widely mentioned in Ayurveda.
- The presence of fennel oil (Saunf Oil) in this roll on has anti-colic properties which help to reduce stomach bloating, gas and also helps the baby to burp.
The Roll-on is 100% Ayurvedic and free from chemicals, preservatives and manufactured in traditional way to provide the benefits to maximum extent. You can buy it here for a nominal price of INR 249/
Hing Oil, Pudina Oil, Sonth Oil, Saunf Oil and Sova Oil
Directions to Use
Apply directly on stomach around the naval area.
Key Features: –
1. Relieves Stomach Discomfort: – Mother Sparsh Tummy Roll On is an Ayurvedic solution for babies suffering from colic, indigestion and constipation.
2. Relieves Gas Pain: – As per our Ancient Ayurveda Hing (Asafoetida) helps to treat abdominal colic, gas, flatulence & indigestion. It also cures abdominal pain, constipation & upset stomach.
3. 100% Ayurvedic/Herbal: – All the ingredients present in Mother Sparsh Tummy Roll-On are natural and free from toxins which make them totally safe to use on babies’ sensitive skin.
4. Skin Friendly: – This Ayurvedic Tummy Roll-On is safe to use on delicate skin of babies.
5. Chemical Free: – Being chemical free, Mother Sparsh Tummy roll on is safe for baby skin and health, because it does not contain any harmful or unnatural ingredients in it. 6. Skin Friendly Ingredients: – As this product does not contain chemicals and alcohol, so it is very good and skin friendly too.
Last but not least please always remember that this is a phase in Child’s life and will pass gradually. Always remember that it’s normal and common to sometimes feel angry toward your cranky little one. No one is a bad parent to feel that way, so please don’t feel guilty. Everyone gets these feelings sometime in their head.
If you’re at the end of the rope for your patience, remember it is OK to leave baby in his crib for a short time while you leave the room to collect yourself.
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